16 Dec 2021


Kenyan media outlets have been encouraged to embrace technology to cope with the changing times.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo says adoption of technology is the only guarantee for survival and growth of the industry.

The CEO lauded Radio Africa Group (RAG) for adopting the digital-first strategy to transform its business model for growth and continuity.

“This is the direction that the media need to take in order to survive in these dynamic times”, he said at the Radio Africa Group’s end year awards ceremony.

The CEO commended RAG for revolutionalising the Star Newspaper, through publishing quality content, rebranding and equally competing with the big two newspapers in the country.

He commended the organisation for appreciating and recognising its team for satisfactory performance and hard work.

Mr Omwoyo at the same time announced that the Media Council will engage journalists on elections reporting.

Following the adoption of the Guidelines for Election Coverage by the media industry, the Council commits to build the capacity of journalists on election coverage, fact-checking and debunking fake news in preparation for the forthcoming General Elections”, said Mr Omwoyo.

He said the Council will continue supporting journalists with travel grants to enable them undertake research on elections-related stories.