14 Mar 2024

The Media Council of Kenya was part of this year's Moi University School of Information Sciences Open Day where  our CEO David Omwoyo urged journalism and communication students to warm up to emerging technologies as they prepare for the workplace amidst a transforming media landscape.

Mr Omwoyo said the MCK industrial placement partnership with media training institutions is a major bridge between training and the media industry, and commended Moi University for remaining steadfast in the programme.

“MCK is proud of its strong partnership with Moi University School of Information Sciences. Together, we have trained a generation of journalists and communication professionals who are shaping Kenya’s media landscape. I commend the School’s commitment to a well-rounded education, bridging the gap between theory and the realities of the media industry”, said Mr Omwoyo.

He decried the absence of strong connection between the media industry and academia, which he said, often hinders students from gaining practical experience through industrial exposure, which is crucial for skills transfer.

“This situation contributes to the worrying unemployment levels we see today. Young and aspiring journalists face numerous challenges in accessing jobs after graduating. Most lack the skills required for competent media work, making it difficult for media outlets to absorb them. Their skills gap also hingers their ability  entrepreneurship capabilities”, he said.

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Communication Information and Innovation John Kiarie commended the institution for organising the event, saying said the event’s theme “Modelling Information and Communication Skill Sets for the 21st Century” deeply resonates with the present times.

“This year’s theme is ideal for this session as it dwells on building the skillsets for the 21st century which heralds the fourth industrial revolution”.

He encouraged the students to utilise the expanding technologiocal space,saying it will determine the future of Africa.

“As young people you must discover your mission which is to exploit the opportunities that have come with technological advancements. We cannot afford to miss out on the fourth industrial revolution that is driven  by data given the technology we have”, said Mr Kiarie.

Nandi Hills MP and member of the Parliamentary Committee on Communication Information and Innovation Bernard Kitur called for robust laws to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence, saying misuse of AI can contribute to professional breaches especially in the media.