28 Apr 2023


A record 162 finalists have been selected for this year’s Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA), up from 153 finalists in 2022. The finalists were selected  from  1,256 applications after a gruelling 20-day judging process that took place in two phases, with 68 expected to take the honours during the gala night slated for 4 May 2023 as the culmination of the 2023 World Press Freedom Day.

The Media Council of Kenya’s Assistant Director for Training and Curriculum Development Christine Nguku says this year’s entries saw an improvement in submissions from county-based journalists and from young journalists.

She noted that the judges had expressed their concerns in the quality of entries in the digital category.

“There were really good and outstanding entries from young journalists. However, the judges noted that majority of the entries in the digital category lacked the digital component that was required during the call for submission such as hyperlinks to relevant additional information in-text, photos and videos where applicable”, noted Ms Nguku.

AJEA is one of the Media Council’s flagship events that recognises and awards journalists who have demonstrated adherence to the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya, and creativity in gathering and presentation of editorial media content.

Individuals who have made outstanding lifetime contribution to journalism in Kenya will be feted at the event through the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Prominent media personalities formed the nominating and judging panels for the eleventh edition of the premier media awards.

The Nomination Panel chaired by Rachel Ombaka comprised Andrew Teyie, Ann Mikia, Odeo Sirari, Wanyama Chebusiri, Owino Opondo, David Okwembah and Secretary Paul Nabiswa.

The judging panel consisted of Caleb Atemi, Dr Rosemary Kowuor, Eric Shimoli, Wangethi Mwangi, Mwendwa Kiogora and Sammy Muraya under the leadership of Dr Joseph Nyanoti with media trainer Dr Kowuor as secretary.