06 Sep 2023
Halima Osman

Journalists have been urged to seek assistance to help them cope with mental health challenges.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Director for Media Training and Development Mr Victor Bwire has implored journalists to acknowledge their vulnerability to mental health issues and asked them to seek help when needed.

"Mental health is a condition that affects everyone, if you realise that you are struggling, please feel free to reach out to MCK for support”, stated Bwire during a debrief and psychosocial support session for journalists from Siaya, Busia and Kisumu counties who covered the recent demonstrations in Kenya.

Mr Bwire highlighted the significance of stress management among journalists, urging them to acquire essential skills to monitor their stress levels.

“One of the telltale signs of stress is the alteration of sleeping and eating habits. Do not ignore these indicators as early intervention is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance”, he said.

He further stressed the importance of prioritising safety in the line of duty and encouraged the journalists to remain vigilant while in the line of duty.

"Whenever you are covering a story, always remember that safety starts with you, and no story is worth risking your life for. It is essential to assess the security risks associated with pursuing a story and devise effective strategies to address them”, noted Mr Bwire.

Additionally, Mr Bwire called upon journalists to promptly report any instances of press freedom violations to the Media Council of Kenya. He highlighted the significance of such reporting in ensuring press freedom is upheld and protected.

"During the recent demonstrations, more than 25 cases of press freedom violations were reported. By documenting these cases, the Council can diligently pursue each matter with the relevant authorities until a resolution is achieved", Mr. Bwire affirmed.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Evans Teddy advised the journalists to familiarise themselves with the legal framework under which they operate. He also reiterated the importance of seeking assistance rather than enduring hardships in silence.

“Impunity against journalists is a substantial barrier to robust freedom of the press. Journalists should not hesitate to seek help when facing threats or challenges. It is through collective efforts that we can ensure the safety and protection of journalists as they fulfill their crucial roles in society”, he said.