10 Aug 2023


The Media Council of Kenya has encouraged secondary school journalism club students to practice professionalism by adhering to the Code of Conduct through reporting impartially and accurately.

MCK Nakuru Regional Coordinator Joseph Mecha says the Council is dedicated to mentoring students to prepare them for the industry.

‘’Press Clubs provide an environment where you can nurture your skills, exchange ideas and practice ethical reporting. These clubs serve as training grounds for your budding careers”, said Mr Mecha at a career talk at Nakuru Boys High School.

He called on the students to uphold high standards of professionalism and integrity when posting online, to enable them build a reputable online brand.

‘’In today’s digital age, your online presence matters more than ever. As you embark on your journalism career, remember that your actions on social media reflect your professional identity’’, he emphasised.

He underscored the need for more students to pursue careers in journalism, as the field opens doors to a plethora of opportunities.