07 Jul 2023


The Media Council of Kenya has urged media associations and support groups to back up efforts of enhancing professionalism in the industry.

The MCK Accreditation and Compliance Manager, Ms Rebecca Mutiso said associations are critical stakeholders in ensuring professionalism in the media industry by making sure that their members uphold media ethics. She said that the council has been listing media associations and support groups since 2019 and now has 31 associations in its register.

“Freelance journalists who are not attached to any media house can request a media association listed in the MCK register to provide them a letter of recommendation when applying or renewing their Press Cards. This way, they do not face a hurdle when seeking accreditation”, said Ms Mutiso while speaking at the senstisation forum for media associations and support groups in Mombasa.

Speaking during a sensitisation forum on the MCK Media Associations and Support Groups Listing Guidelines in Mombasa, Mutiso called on the media organisations to work towards benefiting their members and not a few individuals.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator, Ms Maureen Mudi noted the Council’s efforts in supporting such formations saying that it was geared towards uplifting journalists’ welfare.

"MCK conducted a feasibility study on press club formations with the intention to have them established in different regions for the welfare of the journalists. This will add to the number of formations already in place though it will have a comprehensive structure, constitution and will factor inclusivity of its members, who we expect, will own the clubs and work towards making them better", she said.

While appreciating their potential for growth in membership, Ms Mudi urged the groups to work closely with the Council.

Mr Moffat Mutero, from Mashinani Watch and Coast Media Welfare Group, commented on the issue of quacks in the industry. He asked the Council to suspend press cards of journalists found culpable of engaging in unscrupulous behavior.

"Cases of quacks have become rampant in the coastal region. We call upon the Council to take necessary action on them to ensure that our professionalism is protected", said Mr Mutero.

Ms Sophie Njoka, from Female Journalists Human Rights Defenders, noted the plight of female journalists and called for concerted efforts to address these challenges.

“There are instances where female journalists operate in hostile environments and therefore need to be supported. The most affected among them are those who are fresh in the industry and are at risk of being taken advantage of”, she said.