07 Jul 2023


Media Council of Kenya has pledged its support to work with the National Council of Persons with Disabilities in mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities.

MCK Regional Coordinator Karanja Jackson noted the need for a deliberate and concerted effort in highlighting the rights of persons with disabilities to ensure equality in the society through reporting.

“The Council is keen on working with the National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) in raising awareness through sensitization of journalists on how to better report and raise awareness of the society of the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities”, said Mr. Karanja when he met the Meru County Director of Disability Services Ms Gabriella Ogom.

He echoed the role played by the media in raising awareness of the challenges faced by PWDs while at the same time bringing out the contributions they make to society. He termed this as a way of breaking down stereotypes and promoting understanding and acceptance.

Meru County Director of Disability Services Ms. Ogom noted that the media is a vital tool that can help in easing the ill societal beliefs associated with persons living with disabilities and evoke change.

“The media can play a role in changing attitudes towards PWDs. When they are portrayed in a positive light, it can help to challenge negative stereotypes and promote a more inclusive society”, said Ms. Ogom.

She added that the media should portray PWDs in a variety of roles, not just as victims or objects of pity. They should be shown as active participants in society, with the same hopes, dreams, and aspirations as everyone else.

“We should give PWDs a voice, so that they can tell their own stories and share their perspectives. This is important for ensuring that PWDs are not misrepresented ”, she said.