20 Jun 2023


Journalists and media houses from Meru County have been urged to become agents of change in the fight against Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

Media Council of Kenya Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja compelled journalists to use their platforms to champion issues around the scourge as a way of creating awareness while at the same time informing the public.

“We have an obligation to raise awareness on SGBV, report accurately and sensitively without sensationalising or victim-blaming”, said Mr Karanja at the SGBV forum organised by Ripples International.

Mr Karanja implored the journalists to use their platforms to amplify voices of survivors adding that this would help in holding perpetrators accountable.

“If we commit to using our platforms to speak out against such vices, we will not only make the communities aware of the dangers of SGBV but also help in finding reprieve for victims of such heinous acts”, he said. 

“Let us ensure that our reporting is guided by the Code of Conduct that calls on journalists to be sensitive to the experiences of survivors. SGBV is a traumatic experience for survivors therefore, it is important to exercise caution when reporting on such stories”, added Mr Karanja.

Ripples International Legal Adviser Mr. John Burke Baidoo encouraged the journalists to employ the knowledge gathered and employ the skills when reporting SGBV cases.

“The knowledge gathered here today will be of great importance if used appropriately when doing stories on SGBV as this will aid in changing the narrative in the community,” said Mr. Baidoo.

He reminded the journalists of their responsibility to inform the community of the need to shun practices such as Female Genital Mutilation that have plagued the society for years.