20 Jun 2023


Broadcasters have been urged to utilise resources within their reach to advance their role in informing the public.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi noted that lack of adequate resources has been a challenge to most media organisations.

She mentioned that the Council has been offering support to media houses by equipping journalists with knowledge and increasing professionalism through training.

“To be innovative, media houses need to leverage on proper utilisation of what they have to help them generate more revenue and stay afloat”, said Ms Mudi while conducting a staff training on local content production at Sauti ya Pwani.

She further added that the broadcasting guidelines require stations to adhere to airing of at least 40 percent of local content to enhance opportunities and economic value for local artists and local productions within counties.

“The Council seeks to equip journalists and media practitioners with knowledge on local content production to encourage coverage of stories from within the communities”, she said.

She urged the media house to look into monetising their content and avoid relying on traditional marketing skills to sell their products.

“Incorporating user generated content in your programs enables you to attract more traffic to your sites as audiences easily relate with such content”, she said.

Ms Mudi commended Sauti ya Pwani FM for being on the frontline in sourcing local content and programs. She asked them to remain professional while disseminating such information.

Sauti ya Pwani Station Manager Sammy Mwaura lauded the Council’s efforts in ensuring journalists are well equipped with skills and knowledge through trainings.

“MCK continues to support local media to uphold professionalism by ensuring media organisations remain viable”, said Mr Mwaura.