05 May 2021
Julie Otieno

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) held the 9th edition of the Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA) at the Nairobi Serena Hotel on  4th May 2021.  During the celebrations, 60 Kenyan journalists were recognised for their exemplary reporting over the last year. AJEA is a signature event of the Council that celebrate journalistic excellence and achievements in Kenya.

Acting Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya and President to of the Supreme Court Hon. Lady Justice Philomena Mbete Mwilu, MGH, who was the chief guest commended the media for its central role in keeping societies informed and entertained during the COVID-19 pandemic.

She underscored the role played by the media in shaping agenda, exposing societal misgivings and creating hope during these unprecedented times. Lady Justice Mwilu added that the awards continue to inspire journalists.

“The awards are a continuous annual celebration of journalistic excellence and achievement in Kenya which also provide a platform to inspire young and upcoming journalists to progress in their careers both in and out to the newsroom,” stated Hon. Lady Justice Philomena Mwilu.

Lady Justice Mwilu noted that the awards were an apt way to commemorate the World Press Freedom Day in highlighting and celebrating the contribution of journalists to the society.

MCK board chairman Mr. Maina Muiruri commended the finalists and winners and encouraged Kenyan journalists to embrace technology in order to utilise the expanding digital space.

MCK Chief Executive Officer Mr. David Omwoyo applauded journalist for their resilience in the face of harsh working conditions escalated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is a pleasure to gather here to honor the crème de la crème of our media industry. Interestingly, while the very best have very good quality and display of journalism, we are seeing journalism in a very difficult situation characterised by economic challenges in the newsrooms, technological revolution, and an outbreak of fake news and deep fakes. We hope that the recognition today will encourage more journalists to practice their work effectively,” said the CEO.

The event was sponsored by Communication Authority of Kenya, National Hospital Insurance Fund, Retirement Benefits Authority, Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA), Canadian High Commission in Kenya, Transparency International Kenya, Katiba Institute, Kenya Commercial Bank and Girl Child Network.

To view the winners list click here