02 Apr 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) says bolstering maritime security will enhance the reporting on the blue economy and access to information.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi noted a lack of consistent and effective communication between journalists and the Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS), leading to a negative impact on the quality of maritime safety reporting.

Ms Mudi highlighted the role played by the media in framing information regarding marine safety and the ecosystem.

“The media plays an important part in informing the public on maritime development, given the growing focus on blue economy by public entities and marine stakeholders”, said Ms Mudi during a visit to the KCGS headquarters.

KCGS Chief of Staff Richard Ng’eno acknowledged the need to partner with the Council in training on effective writing, and digital media campaigns to promote maritime safety reporting.

He added that the integration of media mentorship programs for emerging journalists was one way of fostering a culture of reading, to ultimately improve their writing abilities.

“A partnership with the Council will enhance media coverage by providing journalists with training in maritime safety while increasing visibility for the organisation. A training session on media relations will also optimise the distribution of information to the media by KCGS”, he mentioned.