31 May 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) is calling for enhanced collaborations between media stakeholders in a bid to promote press freedom in the country.

MCK CEO David Omwoyo says the numerous challenges faced by the sector calls for concerted efforts by all stakeholders, adding that fronting a common approach would add more weight to advocacy efforts and ensuring robust laws to guide media operations.

“The media industry is facing several challenges at the moment. Let us genuinely look at the issues and see how best to collaboratively address them. As the country’s media regulator, the Media Council is pleased to continue spearheading these efforts”, Mr Omwoyo told newly elected officials of the Kenya Editors’ Guild (KEG) at a meeting in Nairobi this morning.

He commended the new KEG office holders for warming up to industry efforts to ensure a free and independent media.

He at the same time called for a structured working platform for media interest groups in Kenya, saying they have been formed with a common objective of promoting press freedom, hence the need to work together.

“There are so many media associations in Kenya. Let us have a way of consolidating the media groups so that we can pursue a common agenda towards promoting press freedom in this country”, he said.

Mr Omwoyo urged KEG to offer value to the association’s membership and the media industry broadly.

“I urge KEG to reflect on your value to members for advancement of our media industry. With that in mind, develop programmes around trainings and members’ welfare, including mentorship to members on  how to survive outside the newsroom”, he said.

The MCK CEO reiterated the Council’s support to any efforts that aim at improving Kenya’s media freedom index.

“I extend goodwill and unconditional support to KEG and all other media interest groups in Kenya for the industry’s common good . To this end, we will sign a working pact  with KEG to guide our engagements”, said Mr Omwoyo.

KEG President Zubeida Kananu commended the Council for its efforts to bring together industry stakeholders and promoting professionalism.

She pledged the Guild’s commitment to enhancing collaborations with media sector players towards efforts to promote media freedom in the country.

“We are pleased with the Media Council’s efforts to work with and bring all media interest groups together as we pursue a common goal. Together we can address industry needs such as how to cope with the changing mediascape and to rid the industry of quacks”, she said.

Speakers at the meeting called for sobriety and candidness in approaching industry needs, saying the media industry in Kenya had been characterised by avoidable wrangles that hamper  efforts towards promoting press freedom.