10 Aug 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has urged media associations and support groups officials to demonstrate professionalism while exploring areas for growth. 

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi says journalists need to explore ways to partner with other organisations outside the newsrooms to tap into new opportunities.  

She further congratulated the newly elected officials and encouraged them to maintain professionalism and guide their members on industry matters. 

“It is prudent to relate with different sources of information, not only for writing stories but also for enhancing your work as journalists by more opportunities for growth and networking”, said Ms Mudi at a meeting with newly elected officials of Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA), Coast region. 

KCA Coast Chairman Mr Omar Abdalla lauded efforts by MCK in working with the media and expressed interest for partnership with the organisation to create opportunities for its members. 

“We are looking forward to taking advantage of opportunities offered within the MCK space and also share areas of interest so that we can grow the media industry in the Coast region”, said Mr Abdallah. 

Mr Abdallah also encouraged journalists to make use of opportunities that can easily grant them good stories in tourism, county governance and other new sources of information.