12 Jul 2023


County governments have been urged to create a conducive environment allowing journalists access to public interest information.

Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja has underscored the importance of access to information, stating that it is essential for journalists to report accurately on issues concerning the public.

“Access to Information by the media is enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution and all public institutions are supposed to ensure that this is maintained”, said Mr Karanja at a meeting with the Meru County Secretary Dr James Kiambi.

He mentioned that the Council is ready to work with the County Government of Meru in ensuring that journalists are not denied access to information or intimidated while making requests. This, he said, will be facilitated through a stakeholder engagement between the journalists and the county leadership.

Dr Kiambi echoed the sentiments on the importance of access to information for journalists, saying the county government is committed to ensuring that journalists are granted timely information upon request.

“There are so many projects and development initiatives that we as a County are running which need to be publicised to the residents of Meru and this can only happen if we engage with the media”, said Dr Kiambi.

He added that the leadership of the County remains committed to working with all stations in Meru to ensure that the devolution story is reported accurately and professionally.