08 Aug 2023


Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has teamed up with Netfund to create awareness on climate change issues through training and sensitising journalists. 

MCK CEO David Omwoyo says the partnership will focus on strategic engagement of the media in professional coverage of environmental conservation and broad climate change matters. 

“When journalists are trained on environmental reporting, they can break it down in a way that’s easy for the public to understand. The media needs to proactively share information on climate change to avoid misinformation”, said Omwoyo when he led the Council in signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Netfund at the Council’s offices. 

The two organisations will partner in several areas, including training and sensitisation of journalists and media houses on environmental reporting. Focus will also be given to the editors in media houses.

The partnership will see the two institutions collaborate on recognising and rewarding journalists who churn outstanding articles on NETFUND work around environmental matters under the Media Council’s Annual Journalism Awards (AJEA). 

 Netfund’s CEO Samson Toniok called for collective efforts towards implementation of the government’s commitment to plant 15 billion trees across the country by 2032. 

 “In order to achieve the 15 percent forest cover, we require the input of different stakeholders. We need all hands-on deck to realise this commitment”, said Mr Toniok.  

He further stated that the media plays a vital role in creating awareness on climate change issues and educating the public.

“Through the media, we will create awareness on issues of climate change by sensitising the public”, he noted.