30 May 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has underscored the critical role played by the media in promoting national values and principles for governance.

MCK Nakuru Regional Coordinator Joseph Mecha told media students and tutors from various universities within the county that journalism plays a significant role in amplifying national values and principles of governance.

“Journalists should emphasise on the universal principles of the rule of law to enlighten citizens in making informed decisions that will contribute to the promotion of national values and good governance”, said Mr Mecha.

The MCK team took the team through the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya and its relevance in their reporting and highlighted the need to promote peace and cohesion in the country by taming hate speech.

“Journalists have an obligation to disseminate information that empowers citizens to make informed on decisions on matters of public interest”, he said.

He urged media students to analyse and frame conflicts in a sensitive manner to reduce tension or catalyse conflicts.

“While discussing sensitive issues, journalists should be mindful of the impact of the content and information shared with the public. Conflict sensitive reporting and solution- based journalism should be practiced to avoid glorifying conflicts”, said Mecha.

Ms Maryanne Gitau from the MCK Accreditation Department took the students through the accreditation guidelines and sensitised them on the code of conduct.

“Accreditation promotes and enhances ethical and professional standards amongst journalists. It helps you access information by allowing participation in conferences, trainings, workshops and other gatherings”, said Ms Gitau.

She guided the students on the process of applying for accreditation, renewals, media subscription and how to replace a lost press card.