29 Aug 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) is committed to enhancing journalists’ capacity towards professional coverage of the blue economy.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi says the Council is in the process of launching a curriculum on the blue economy, which she says will act as a guide for journalists to better understand matters around the blue economy.

Ms Mudi noted that stories on the blue economy and green growth were underreported due to the complexities involved in covering them.

“We intend to involve specialists in this field to demystify complex aspects of their work in order to enhance journalists’ ability to communicate with their target audience”, said Ms Mudi during a training session on Blue Economy and Green Growth for journalists from Mombasa and Kilifi counties.

She urged journalists to develop an interest in reporting on the blue economy and green growth to amplify its reportage.

“Be proactive and establish networks in blue economy and green growth. This will help in getting the right sources for your stories”, remarked Ms Mudi.

She added that coverage of these topics will help promote the achievement of national economic development and environmental protection and sustainability.

Head of Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for Africa (MTTC) Lydia Ngugi spoke on the three main pillars of energy efficiency and regulations noting that they are premised on capacity building through technology, policies, regulations and finance.

“We are committed to implementing the pillars of energy efficiency and regulations and promise to leave no one behind in the energy transition through our pilot projects”, said Ms Ngugi

She said MTTC is also working towards capacity-building initiatives on specific regions and is establishing gap funding that can support developing countries in implementing the pilot projects.

Principal Communications Manager at Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) Hajji Masemo informed participants that the port of Mombasa plays a major role in blue economy by facilitating transportation of cargo and tourists through cruise ships.

He mentioned that the blue economy has brought about opportunities, adding that the organisation was expanding the port to remain competitive.

The training brought together stakeholders from the blue economy; Kenya Maritime Authority  Kenya Ports Authority) and Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for Africa.