29 May 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has urged journalists to leverage opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve content creation, production and enhance audience experience.

MCK CEO David Omwoyo says journalists should seek the truth and report accurately in the age of AI.

“As technology evolves, it becomes easier for misinformation and fake news to spread rapidly, overshadowing credible sources. Journalists have a crucial role in countering this trend by providing reliable and unbiased information to the public”, Mr Omwoyo told journalists at a recent engagement in Nakuru.

He urged journalists to rely on their unique skills to gather information and tell stories, stating  that AI can assist in data analysis, allowing journalists to uncover the truth and provide a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.

“Journalists can leverage AI as a tool to enhance their research, but the ultimate responsibility lies with them to sift through the information and ensure accuracy”, he said.

He further emphasised the need for journalists to uphold ethical standards while utilising AI.

He mentioned that journalistic integrity requires adhering to ethical principles and ensuring that technology does not compromise ethical standards as provided for in the code of conduct.

Mr Omwoyo encouraged journalists to assess their sources critically while covering stories to navigate challenges posed by AI.