23 Jun 2023


The Media Council of Kenya is committed to collaborating with the British High Commission (BHC) and Directors of Communications in the coast region to empower journalists and public communication officers on devolution reporting.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi says enhanced interactions and collaborations between journalists and communication teams in the counties is key in upholding professionalism on devolution reportage.

“The Council signed an MOU with the Council of Governors to enhance reporting on stories and develop a curriculum on devolution reporting”, said Ms Mudi at a forum with officers from the BHC and communication directors.

She further mentioned that the Council endeavours to work closely with the counties to support grassroot media to strengthen their sustainability.

Ms Mudi encouraged counties to grant journalists access to information for timely, accurate and quality information.

BHC Head of Communications in Kenya and Somalia, Ms Georgina Woodhouse emphasised on the need to exercise professionalism when reporting on devolution matters.

“There are a lot of good things happening in the counties. Little is known about the development projects that the BHC is carrying out with partners within the six counties. The media should cover stories that help improve the livelihoods of people and amplify development projects in the counties”, said Ms Woodhouse.

Kwale County Communication Director Mr Nicky Gitonga echoed her sentiments by noting the disconnect in protocol issues when partners visit the regions. He called for the inclusion of county officers in the development of projects.

“Involve the counties from the onset to enable officers to involve the people for ownership of the projects,” urged Mr Gitonga.

Kilifi County Deputy Communication Director Ms Mercy Milanoi stressed the need for capacity building among county communication officers to foster professionalism and create a collaborative environment in the counties.

“Our goal is to partner with the media to support objective and solution-driven journalism. The partnership between county governments and journalists will foster a collaborative environment”, said Ms Milanoi.

“We would like to partner with the Council in building the capacity of our communication officers and correspondents in the counties. This will ensure professional coverage of devolution matters through effective information gathering and dissemination”, she said.