27 Jun 2023


The Media Council of Kenya has emphasised the need for stakeholder unity to address emerging issues in the media.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo pointed out the importance of unity within the caucus in identifying gaps and developing a framework that will fosters press freedom and ensure the independence of the media is not compromised.

“We need a strategic approach in addressing the challenges in the media space especially now when pronouncements are made repeatedly that touch on freedom and working of the media”, said Mr Omwoyo while addressing media stakeholders during the media sector round table at Chaka Ranch, Nyeri County.

“There is need to bring all the associations in Kenya that speak on matters related to media working under one common umbrella to promote efficient and effective media industry in the country, ”he said.

KEG President Ms Zubeida Kananu reiterated the value that emanates from working as a team when fighting a common enemy.

“The fact that we as the media stakeholders can converge and engage on issues gripping the industry is a stride towards the right path. Working together as a team is the only way to fight these challenges to ensure vibrancy”, added Ms Kananu.

Media Owners Association Chairperson Ms Agnes Kalekye expressed her solidarity in the unity, especially in speaking as one mouthpiece.

“We need to strengthen the unity of the media space by coming together and working to ensure that even in the face of adversity, we all will be speaking from the same front,” remarked Ms Kalekye.

The Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) Secretary General Mr Eric Odour centred his remarks on journalists’ welfare and safety issues and called on the stakeholders to play an active advocacy role on such matters.

“We need to relook the matter of the welfare crises in our country and have a serious discussion around the establishment of policies and laws that speak to the formulation of a proper pay structure for journalists. Let us embrace a collective way of documenting attacks against journalists which will inform the legislation formulation,” said Mr Oduor.

The Media Complaints Vice Chair Ms Esther Aduma, underscored the importance of editorial guidance in news production. She asked editors to take their roles seriously as stipulated in Section 45 of the Media Council Act 2013.

The media round table brought together stakeholders in the media industry to discuss emerging issues in the sector and at the same time come up with probable solutions on how to address them.

Key highlights from the discussions resonated around issues on digital taxation of online content with an emphasis on the Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act, shifts in advertising revenue, and its repercussions among media houses, journalist training, copyright, and media regulation.