31 Aug 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has affirmed its commitment to build journalists' and media practitioners' capacity to enable them to report accurately on public interest issues.

MCK Meru Regional Coordinator, Mr Jackson Karanja stressed the importance of strengthening relationships with stakeholders noting its impact on journalists reporting.

“The Council is committed to ensuring that journalists bring out issues affecting members of the public in a timely, accurate and responsible manner. Building strong stakeholder relationships will enhance their work in gathering information and reporting it professionally”, said Mr Karanja while meeting the Chair of Meru Civil Society Organisation (CSO).

Mr Karanja spoke on the rising number of human rights violations where he noted that Meru County was listed among those with the highest number of cases in the country.

“Human rights violations infringe on the physical and mental well-being of a person.  It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that such cases are reported accurately without exposing the victims while at the same time calling for justice”, he emphasised.

He called on the CSOs to work closely with the media to sensitise the public on the vices against human rights violations.

Mr. Imwere lauded the Council for being at the forefront of ensuring the media champions good governance, human rights and social justice in the society. He gave assurance that the Civil Society is ready to partner with the Council to conduct training and workshops for the media personnel.

“The Civil Society has expertise on a wide range of topics such as gender, human rights, climate change as well as governance. We are ready and willing to work with you to equip the journalists with relevant skills to enhance their reporting”, said Mr. Imwere.

The Civil Society chair promised to coordinate with other organizations to identify relevant areas of partnership with the Council. He expressed optimism saying that the move would amplify reporting of human rights, governance and other issues of public interest.