16 Feb 2024


Media students have been urged to explore innovative storytelling methods, embrace emerging technologies and challenge the conventions of traditional media.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi challenged students to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas.

Ms Mudi motivated them to utilise the potential of data to reveal captivating narratives through their respective platforms.

“Make social media a place you can network and create content that can be monetised”, she said during a Media Literacy and Data Information session at the Kenya Coast National Polytechnic.

She emphasised the importance of digital literacy and innovation in journalism, equipping students with the skills needed to leverage digital tools and platforms for effective storytelling and audience engagement.

“In an age of information overload, the ability to analyse and interpret data is essential for journalists to uncover meaningful stories and provide context on complex issues”, she noted.

The Head of Department, Computing and Informatics Department Mr Patrick Menya highlighted the importance of students adhering to ethical standards.

He further added that students need to ensure they are accredited by the Council to enhance professionalism in the sector.

“Let us conduct ourselves with decorum and professionalism to make a positive impact”, stressed Mr Menya.