19 Aug 2021


By David Omwoyo

As Kenya prepares for the 2022 General Election, a lot is expected from the media, as always. Just like in the rest of the world, the citizens rely on the media as a source of information and civic education, especially to enhance their understanding, mobilisation to participate and informed choice of leaders during voting.

A responsible and prepared media ensures that elections are conducted in a professional and transparent manner by the electoral body; the state protects life and property; the Judiciary promptly resolves electoral disputes, including those from party primaries; and non-state actors effectively monitor the polls and advocate respect for human rights.

Journalists and, by extension, the media wield an important weapon — power, which must be handled responsibly and professionally. Reporters and editors should, like Caesar’s wife, be beyond reproach. That is why journalists and media practitioners who want to run for elective posts in the next polls should resign from their jobs six months to polling day like civil servants.

Through framing and priming of its reporting, the media also sets the agenda. In an electioneering period, for instance, it can shine the light on issues affecting the country rather than on politics of personality and name-calling, and the society at large, including the politicians themselves, will be in tow.

Setting Media Standards

To their credit, local media have performed their duty gallantly over the past elections, often remaining as the last bastion of critical voices whenever, in the ebb and flow of our politics, contestants in elections switch sides, cooperate, collaborate or other words that leave the country without an opposition.

Next year’s elections come at a time when fake news is spreading at an unprecedented rate, threatening to upend journalism as we know it. There is a need for the media, therefore, to approach the elections well equipped in terms of skills set, right attitude and personnel. This preparation needs us all — the regulator, media owners, editors, the union and professional associations — because we play unique and complementary roles.

On our part, and in line with its role of setting media standards and monitoring compliance, the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) is leading industry efforts to review the election coverage guidelines to make them responsive to the prevailing industry and emerging issues ahead f the polls.

An all-inclusive technical committee of experienced journalists from across the sector will look at the rules, last reviewed for the 2017 elections, and update them to cater for emerging industry developments, new electoral laws, challenges, opportunities and best practice. That will strengthen professional capacity in election coverage and ensure a conducive working environment for the media.

Countdown to polls

More robust guidelines will also go a long way in strengthening interaction between the media, citizens, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and other political actors, an interface which will facilitate democratic and credible elections.

From time to time, a section of the media has also come under criticism for running afoul of the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya. It is, therefore, critical that the sector’s leadership remains proactive to ensure that such misses are nipped in the bud so that the public trust in the media remains high.

It was, therefore, fitting and timely that the industry, under the auspices of the Kenya Media Sector Working Group, met the IEBC last Monday, a day that was symbolic in that it marked the beginning of the countdown to general elections slated for August 9, 2022.

The caucus discussed several issues, including the vexing question of whether journalists who are running for elective posts should resign from their jobs just like the public servants they report on.

The media can only play its facilitative role well if the rules of the game are up to date.

Mr Omwoyo is the CEO, Media Council of Kenya. domwoyoatmediacouncil.or.ke