22 Mar 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening media capacity in educating the public on the implications of regional integration.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo says collaborating with key ministries such as the Ministry of East African Community, ASALs and Regional Development through a proactive framework will promote media interest in the ministry and guarantee consistent media coverage.

“Perception is very critical while undertaking communication. This can only happen through a structured communication team that collaborate with the media through constant engagements and supply of information to create awareness and enhance visibility of the Ministry”, said Mr Omwoyo when he met Ministry of East African Community, ASALs and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano.

The MCK boss further noted the existence of an East African Press Council registered in Nairobi with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. He said that the move to establish the body was aimed at promoting good practices among journalists in the region while ensuring professionalism in the industry.

“Last year, together with our counterparts from Media Councils across East Africa, we registered a regional Press Council which will be launched in May this year. The Press Council will enable collaboration between journalists while promoting best practices in the profession”, he said.

The Cabinet Secretary Miano welcomed the move by the Council, noting the role of played by the media in raising profiles and informing the public.

“My ministry has a vast docket that cuts across various ministries and  are ready to work together with the Media Council of Kenya to see that the public is well empowered to actively participate in the ministry's programmes as envisaged in the Kenya Kwanza manifesto to make regional integration a people driven process”, she said.

She assured the Council of her support in the launch of the East African Press Council which she said will provide opportunities for partnerships between the different players.

“We are ready to support and engage on any activities involving the East African Community. This will help in building relationships and collaborations with our key partners while ensuring that important issues are accorded priority in media coverage”, noted CS Miano.

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Mr Victor Bwire stated that the Council will host journalists from across East Africa during the World Press Freedom Day celebrations. He encouraged the Cabinet Secretary to leverage the opportunity to meet with the journalists.

“Every year, the Council celebrates the World Press Freedom Day. This year, we have invited journalists from the East African Community to take part in the celebrations. This will be a great opportunity for you and your office to engage with the journalists”, remarked Mr Bwire.

Mr Bwire also mentioned that the Council will host a session on regional integration where the Cabinet Secretary will make a presentation.