22 Feb 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has joined forces with the County Government of Bomet to sensitise journalists and county officials on access to information, press freedom and conflict sensitive reporting.

Speaking at a Media Literacy Forum (MIL) in Bomet MCK Manager for Research Planning and Strategy Leo Mutisya highlighted the importance of journalistic objectivity and professionalism in news reporting.

He urged journalists and media practitioners to conduct risk assessments in advance to ensure preparedness for news gathering.

“While covering or reporting stories, ensure you remain objective and adhere to the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya. Personal safety and risk assessment should be paramount before embarking on any assignment”, he said.

Bomet County Government Communications Officer Edwin Makiche lauded the Council for empowering journalists, advocating for press freedom and promoting access to information.

“We appreciate the Council for partnering with us to sensitise and empower journalists on their right to access information and press freedom”, said Mr Makiche.

Senior officer Research Planning and Strategy Jacob Nyukuri told journalists to prioritise content research and verification of information.

He further shared tools that journalists can use to verify photos, videos, and any other online content.

“Ensure that you verify information before posting on social media to combat misinformation, disinformation and debunk any misleading content”, he stressed.