31 Aug 2023


Journalists have been urged to advocate for climate change initiatives that foster resilience and sustainability.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) CEO David Omwoyo says training journalists on matters of climate change will raise awareness, advocate for solutions and devise ways of adapting to climate change.

“We encourage journalists to reflect on the effects of climate change and identify initiatives that promote adaptation”, said Mr Omwoyo during a Virtual Climate Summit Awareness Workshop organised by the Council in partnership with NETFUND.

Mr Omwoyo spoke on the role played by journalists in shaping public discourse on climate change adding that the training is essential in enhancing reportage on climate change stories.

“Journalists play a vital role in shaping public discourse on climate matters. This enables the public to shape a green sustainable future”, he said.

NETFUND Senior Corporate Communications Officer Nelson Mapesa emphasised that the issues affecting us are not only on climate change but mostly on climate change adaptation. He urged the participants to come up with innovative ways of mitigating the issues.

“We need to come up with strategies that enable us to withstand the impact of climate change”, remarked Mr Mapesa.

HeeHe stated that the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) 2023, will present an ambition for green economic growth and effective climate actions.

“The summit seeks to bring together government partners, inter-governmental organisations, private sectors, the youth and women in Africa to deliberate on issues of climate change and the need to push for climate investments.

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Victor Bwire told journalists that Kenya will be hosting the ACS 2023. He mentioned that will expose journalists to climate change and its associated costs, particularly in Africa, and the actions needed to mitigate these challenges.