30 Apr 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has called for collaborative efforts to strengthen the civil society sector in the Coastal region to advance media freedom.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi told the first annual Regional Coast Civil Society Network for Human Rights on the need for collaborations to safeguard democracy and amplify the voices of marginalised communities.

She highlighted the role of the media in preserving the civic space and fostering accountability.

She said that journalists and media practitioners are crucial in ensuring the upholding of democratic principles and fostering transparency and called for the establishment of cordial working relationships with the media.

“The media and CSOs need to work together. Breeding such relationships will enhance support in capacity building, training of journalists and other media players on governance, policy and legal issues”, she said.

Ms Mudi further underscored the need to build capacity for communication officers working within the civic space on media relations to ensure more effective engagement with the media.

Coast Civil Society Network for Human Rights Chairman Mr Zedekiah Adika said that a robust and resilient civil society is crucial for fostering a vibrant democracy.

"Establishing coordination in our county’s work is vital in amplifying our voices. We need to reevaluate our approach to find a solution”, he noted.

The Director of Muslims Human Rights (MUHURI) Khelef Khalifa emphasised the significance of government collaboration with human rights officials, urging civil society organisations (CSOs) to assert their voices.

Other speakers at the forum reiterated the need for building networks with journalists as well as advocated for inclusive programmes to accommodate Persons with Disability. Additionally,  they discussed issues around challenges and opportunities, noting that security was a main concern and called for concerted efforts within the sector to address the issues.