20 Jun 2023


Journalists have been urged to practise inclusivity by giving opportunities to special interests and minority groups in their programs.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi underscored the importance of focusing on serving citizens’ interests to enhance quality content production and accurate dissemination of information.

People who are abled differently need to have their issues raised and addressed through the media platforms. We should create programs that deliberately include those with disabilities”, said Ms Mudi while speaking to staff at Pwani FM.

Ms Mudi proposed that the station put more emphasis on educational programs as compared to entertainment and showbiz.

She cautioned the social media team against plagiarism which has been rampant across local media houses in the coastal region. She asked them to cite references and give credit to work that is not originally theirs before posting on social media platforms.

Pwani FM Station Manager Ms Maximillian Walukhu spoke on the station's editorial policy saying that incorporates programs for those with special needs or disabilities.

“We don’t have specific programs tailored for persons with disabilities, but we are intentional in having them featured in some of our programs”, she noted.

Ms Walukhu applauded the Council for the analysis and research done to enhance professionalism and requested for more engagements aimed at building the capacity of journalists.