09 Sep 2022


Journalists have been urged to specialise in science reporting to ensure accuracy in breaking down complex scientific information. This will aid in demystifying language associated with science and scientific research.

This was said during a consultative meeting between Media Council of Kenya (MCK), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) researchers, scientists, journalists, and other stakeholders at KEMRI offices in Kilifi County.

Ms Maureen Mudi the Mombasa Regional Coordinator stressed on the need to have structured engagements between scientists and journalists to create an understanding and working relationship between the two parties aimed at enhancing media coverage on scientific work in the country.

"At MCK, we have short courses under the Africa Media Academy tailor made for journalists to create a pool of experts who can report on specific issues. It is therefore important that we think of creating a module based on scientific reporting for journalists," she said.

Mr George Githinji, a researcher on genomics at the institution, took journalists through the research process, surveillance, and genome sequencing pipeline. In his presentation he noted the need for public engagement through media.

"We believe that the best way to engage the public is through the media. We have to agree on the how and see if we can partake on breaking down our research to create an understanding”, said Mr Githinji.

After the meeting, different groups were formed to work on the progression of the agreements discussed. MCK was co-opted into the researcher’s communication group that will be crucial in passing simplified scientific research messages.

Mr Collins Adede from Voice of America, said it was critical for the organisation to get it right from the word go, and hailed the progress made in ensuring the media had access to otherwise difficult science topics.

The meeting was attended by journalists from Nairobi and Coast counties who were also taken on a tour at the labs where research on SARs-Cov2 genomic surveillance was being conducted.