05 Jul 2022
Lorine Achieng

The Media Council of Kenya underscored the importance of safety, access to information and government relations while reporting on elections matters

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Mr Victor Bwire emphasised on the importance of sourcing when doing stories at it gives it balance and credibility. He also urged the journalists to avoid being biased while on air as it could compromise their safety.

“Journalism is not about fiction. Your stories must be verified through credible sources. If possible, have multiple sources to make your stories balanced. Avoid bringing feelings in your programme, be fair to the candidates and beware of instances that can easily compromise your safety”, he said at a recent engagement with journalists in Kirinyaga.

Mr Bwire informed the journalists that they have a duty to the candidates, public and country by embracing conflict- sensitive reporting.

“As you report, remember you have a duty to report accurately and strive to be fair in the coverage of campaigns.”, said Mr Bwire.

The meeting brought together 29 journalists from various media houses based in Kirinyaga. The engagement was aimed at sensitising journalists on safety and protection, access to information and government relations.

The Council is currently training journalists across the country on elections reporting guidelines. This is geared towards responsible and professional coverage of elections stories.