29 Jun 2022

In a bid to promote media freedom and freedom of expression, the Media Council of Kenya held a security and media freedom training for the Kwale County security team.

The team comprising MCK Manager for Press Freedom, Safety and Advocacy Ms Dinnah Ondari and Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi met Kwale County Commissioner Mr Gideon Oyagi and the Kwale Police Commander Mr Josphat Kinyua who both called for responsible reporting.

“Journalist’ rights go hand in hand with responsibilities. I urge the media to remain impartial in their reporting. Additionally, journalists need to be well grounded on what the Constitution provides on their roles and responsibilities and those of County security teams like the County Commissioner and County Police Commander," said Mr Oyagi.

Ms Ondari noted that security officers and media should work together for the good of the society.

"Journalists at times misreport when they fail to get the right information. The police must protect journalists, just like any other citizen as this will enhance professionalism," she said.

Ms Mudi on her part enumerated to provisions in Article 33, 34 and 35 of the Constitution that guide how journalists need to work and the rights and freedoms they enjoy, including access to information.

The Kwale police boss urged journalists to observe the code of conduct to avoid violating freedom of expression that relates to matters of security.