11 Sep 2024

The Media Council of Kenya has advised officials of Meru Press Club to collaborate and address challenges faced by local journalists.

MCK Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja noted the importance of ethical reporting and boosting journalists’ skills in the changing media landscape, saying that they are crucial in promoting accountability and transparency in local governance.

“Journalists play a vital role in keeping the public informed and holding those in power accountable. The Council remains committed to providing support through training, professional guidance, and ensuring safety during reporting”, he said during a media roundtable with Meru Press Club officials

Mr Karanja shared some financial insights on securing funding through partnerships, grants, and engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives.

“Sustainability is essential for the growth of the local media. Resource mobilisation strategies and tapping into grants that support media freedom can go a long way in ensuring that the press club and its members remain resilient”, he noted.

Meru Press Club chairperson Mr David Muchui acknowledged the challenges encountered by journalists on financial stability.

He also called for journalists’ sensitisation on mental health issues that emanate from work pressures.

“Journalism is a demanding profession that exposes individuals to stressful situations. Journalists must have the support they need including access to mental health resources. We are working towards organising awareness sessions to promote the well-being of journalists in Meru”, he said.