24 May 2023


The media has been urged to utilise online digital platforms for prompt information sharing.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Director for Media Training and Development Victor Bwire said online digital platforms are important tools for information sharing which journalists can leverage.

“Let’s optimise online digital platforms because majority of Kenyans have access to various social media platforms. This has made information sharing easy as people can now record themselves from wherever they are and share information on the various online platforms”, said Mr Bwire at a Media Information and Digital Literacy Forum in Kajiado County.

Mr Bwire warned news sources against facilitating journalists to publish their stories, adding that journalists are compensated by their employers to work.

“Media houses will always publish a newsworthy story. The discretion on which a news story is aired relies on editors in the newsrooms and not field reporters”, he stated.

He further urged journalists to have a good rapport with news sources, stating that good relationships translate into better stories.

“It becomes easier for a journalist to receive factual information from a source that the journalist has good relations with, unlike seeking information from a source that is not familiar with the journalist ”, he noted.

MCK Manager for Press Freedom, Safety and Advocacy Dinnah Ondari, urged journalists to always identify themselves in the line of duty as standard practice.

“When you are seeking information in a public institution, you might be easily assisted as a journalist than an ordinary citizen. However, if you feel like the information officer might not disclose the information to you because you are a journalist, you can request as a Kenyan citizen which is in line with the Access to Information Act, 2016”, said Ms Ondari.

She further encouraged journalists to familiarise themselves with the Access to Information Act and its limits to avoid conflicts.

“Access to Information Act doesn’t give you the right to go take pictures outside the precincts of a protected area as it will lead to arrests. I therefore urge you to go through the Act and familiarise yourself with the limitations”, she said.

MCK Manager for Research, Planning and Strategy Leo Mutisya mentioned the need for journalists to equip themselves with digital verification tools to fight misinformation.

“Media consumers who are already media and information literate can be able to create, access and utilise media content which informs constructive feedback for the media”, said Mr Mutisya.

Kajiado County Deputy County Commissioner Lydia Munyi urged that the National Police Service (NPS) to be committed to working with the media in the region, stating that journalists should remain objective and seek information from verified sources.

“We assure journalists that we are going to avail information whenever possible. I urge you to seek clarification from us on any issue before submitting your story for publishing or airing to avoid misinformation”, said Ms Munyi.

Chairperson of Kajiado Journalists Association Peterson Mwangi lauded the Council for its efforts in training journalists, especially on election coverage.

“I thank the Media Council of Kenya for training us last year on election coverage. Besides the training we were equipped with safety gear for our protection while covering the electoral processes”, he said.