08 Mar 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) are exploring ways of facilitating media workers to access information to enhance professionalism.

The two institutions recently met to address complaints by journalists on constant harassment while crossing the Likoni channel in Mombasa and being denied privileges accorded to the category of persons under “essential service providers”.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi and Kenya Ports Authority Manager for Security Services Tony Kibwana recently met to discuss areas of collaboration aimed at fostering a conducive working relationship between journalists and the institution.

Ms Mudi affirmed the Council’s commitment to ensuring that rights and privileges of journalists are upheld and called upon the two stakeholders to continue cultivating cordial relationships.

“It is important for ferry workers and journalists to enjoy a cordial relationship and understand issues of access to information. Journalists should also understand that their privileges come with limitations, and thus should not misused”, said Ms Mudi.

She urged journalists to ensure that their accreditation is up to date to accord them access to information to enrich their reporting.

She added that there was a need for both institutions to embrace dialogue in order to promote a seamless working relationship, aimed at unlocking the perceived misunderstanding and conflict between journalists and the ferry authority.

Ms Mudi further demonstrated the enhanced safety features of the revamped press card to the port official, noting that the Council had unveiled the new cards to stop quacks in their tracks to taint the credibility of the profession.

Mr Kibwana said  the Authority understands the role played by the media and acknowledged the need to empower them to perform their duties diligently.

“We understand that media plays a crucial role and must be facilitated to do their work. Such engagements are important for players and I believe we are able to address emerging issues amicably”, he said.

Both parties agreed to hold a sensitisation meeting between the Council and security staff working at the Kenya Ports Authority and Kenya Ferry Services to look into areas of collaboration and to facilitate journalists’ work at the channel and reduce misunderstanding.