21 Nov 2022

The Media Council of Kenya CEO Mr David Omwoyo has underscored the importance of investing in social networks to capitalise on opportunities for Public Relations practitioners in politics.

Mr Omwoyo at the same time urged PR practitioners to remain vigilant of situations or people who may hinder them from achieving their purpose.

“As PR practitioners we need to think about the social capital we create in politics. At the same time, we need to be weary characters who can discredit your good work”, Mr Omwoyo said when he addressed the East Africa Public Relations Week (EAPRW) held in Mombasa.

He further advised the Society’s leadership to put all their best strategies in place to ensure the enactment of the Institute of Public Relations and Communications Management (IPRAC) Bill into law within six months.

“It is possible to have the IPRAC law enacted within six months if we put all out strategies together and lobby with the right legislatures for goodwill”, noted Mr Omwoyo

The Bill proposes among other things, mechanisms to enforce the code of conduct for the practitioners as well as standards for training and a continuous professional development programme (CPD), as a mandatory requirement to membership renewal.  

Mr Omwoyo implored PR practitioners to ensure that they take up leadership roles in organisations by being CEOs. “The world needs leaders who can communicate effectively and inspire”, he said.

The Public Relations Society of Kenya hosted the first East Africa Public Relations Week under the theme “Thinking Toward Tomorrow” and brought together members of public relations societies in Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Burundi and Congo.