08 May 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has called upon the government and industry actors to support journalists covering the Shakahola murders in Kilifi County to effectively execute their work. 

Speaking at a status assessment in Kilifi County to ascertain the working conditions of journalists, MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi urged state actors to work together with journalists to ensure the public is informed and the story is covered accurately, adding that restricting the media from accessing the scene will hinder the media from informing the public appropriately. 

“Without journalists, the Shakahola story would not have unfolded. Supporting their work is crucial in informing the public”, said Ms Mudi.

Ms Mudi further stated that journalists’ rights are covered in the Constitution and anything contrary would be a press freedom violation.

“Article 33, 34, 35 has rights and freedoms that the media is eligible to. Therefore, journalists should not be restricted from accessing the scene but recognised as essential service providers, just like in the COVID-19 period”, said Ms Mudi.

Ms Mudi mentioned that MCK is prioritising journalists’ mental health and together with other stakeholders, the Council intends to extend psycho-social support to the journalists.

“Journalists are not prepared to encounter such horrific scenes, especially children’s  bodies.. Several have had sleepless nights, loss of appetite, mood swings and other complications, and having interacted with them, we understand the struggles some are going through”, Ms Mudi added.

She expressed the need to engage and sensitise authorities and concerned agencies on the importance of access to information.

Coast Regional Commissioner Ms Rhoda Onyancha also expressed the need for journalists to cooperate and work with authorities and pledged daily updates at the site. She  urged MCK to continue sensitising journalists on the importance of accurate reporting.

“We shall work with the media, as we are not hiding anything. They should do their work and allow us to do ours”, said Ms Onyancha.