06 Oct 2021


The MCK has affirmed its commitment to support media to report professionally on national security matters.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo today met the Principal Secretary, State Department for Interior at the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government Dr Karanja Kibicho where they discussed areas of collaboration with administrative and security agencies with regards to media work in Kenya.

“We are working closely with national government agencies to promote professional reporting on various aspects. In line with our mandate, we have continued training journalists on such areas as national security and conflict-sensitive reporting”, said Mr Omwoyo.

We appreciate the working relationship we currently have with national administration and security agencies. We have been engaging with the teams across the country through our outreach and media and information literacy programmes”, said Mr Omwoyo.

He said the Council is also working closely with security agencies on journalists’ accreditation and   issuance of and adherence to special COVID-19 passes for journalists and media houses support staff.

We have extended our operations nationally, with establishment of four regional offices. We look forward to further cooperation with security and administrative agencies as we implement our mandate”, said Mr Omwoyo.

The MCK CEO expressed the Council’s readiness to support the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government on public communications and engagements with the media.

PS Dr Kibicho called upon the media to uphold professionalism while reporting on national security matters, given its sensitivity.

We have a vibrant media that many Kenyans have faith in. It is therefore important that the media remains objective, balanced and responsible in their reporting. They should avoid insinuations that may case tension in the country especially when reporting on conflicts.

He urged the media to draw the line between their rights and privileges in reporting versus matters of national interest such as security and administration.

“I urge the MCK to intensify its media monitoring role and institute its own complaints mechanism and sanction media accordingly where ethical breaches arise. This is key especially as we head into a very delicate electioneering period”, said the PS.