21 Dec 2021


Mombasa-based court reporters have petitioned the Media Council of Kenya to assist them access information from the courts.

The group has appealed to the Council to intervene in mending the frosty relationship between the courtroom and media in the Coastal city, especially when it comes to interaction with suspects.

“We have had direct threats from released terror suspects and other high profile suspected criminals even within the court premises and in broad daylight, where our colleagues have either been insulted, had their equipment damaged and in other cases assaulted, said People Daily’s Sophie Njoka on behalf of the court reporters from Mombasa who visited the MCK Mombasa regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi.

They want the judiciary to assure them of their security while in the courtrooms.

The group bemoaned the challenges they go through to access information at the courts, and hiccups while trying to peruse public files at the Registry.

They also requested for special training on mental health as some have directly interacted and even been threatened by released terror suspects and other suspected criminals. This, they say, has made them live in constant fear of being attacked.

The journalists at the same time proposed that MCK includes court reportage as a stand-alone category in the Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA) given the unique stories that can make it to the entries.

Ms Mudi advised that an urgent meeting will be held within the week between the journalists’ representatives, MCK and a senior judicial staff to iron out a few issues before the Council organises an engagement with the larger team of court reporters and law enforcement agencies, including the court users committee.

She also advised the team to document all violations against court reporters in the last one year, including recent cases, to inform the engagements.

“Journalists may also be included in the court users committee as had been proposed years back, since they are crucial stakeholders,” said Ms Mudi.

“With the electioneering period ahead and elections, we expect petitions at the courts. This will call for training of majority of the reporters who will be covering elections for the first time”, she said.