17 Mar 2023

The Media Council of Kenya has urged journalists to enhance professionalism through unity of purpose.

The Council says such collaborations will ensure that journalists contribute jointly to information dissemination while at the same time promoting industry viability.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Mr Evans Teddy told Homa Bay County journalists today that ‘unhealthy competition’ to scoop each other had disadvantaged sections of the media, majorly community media organisations.

”We urge journalists to embrace collaborative approaches in order to remain afloat in their business of informing the masses. This is highly needed at such times given the declining revenue and scarce resources”, said Mr Teddy.

“This will have clear benefits in quality of reporting, resource sharing and community engagements”, he added.

He noted that a collective approach to journalism allows journalists to not only share critical insights but also safeguards them against violation of their fundamental rights.

One of the participants, Dala FM’s Philip Osewe emphasised the need for the Homa Bay based scribes to foster unity amongst themselves so as to promote professionalism in the region.

We as Homa Bay based journalists posses great potential that if well embraced can help us navigate the changing media space. We should focus on aligning our strengths for betterment of the profession and for the good of the public”, he said.