04 Oct 2021


Ministry of Health Cabinet Secretary Senator Mutahi Kagwe has urged the media to rally communities through accurate reporting to contain COVID-19. “I ask you to give people as much accurate information as possible; the more information we give the more disciplined our people will be”.

CS Kagwe who spoke at the launch of the MCK COVID-19 Information portal this morning, called for concerted efforts by media and development partners in the fight against the global pandemic.

“I congratulate the Media Council of Kenya for launching this one-stop shop portal for media professionals and the remarkable initiatives it has put in place for the media to help in efforts to contain the spread of this disease”, said CS Kagwe.

The Cabinet Secretary urged the media to uphold responsibility while reporting on COVID-19, adding that “timely and accurate information are key ingredients in dispelling misinformation around the disease, including vaccination”.

Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs Cabinet Secretary Hon Joe Mucheru commended the media for their contribution to containment efforts. “Media outlets across the country have prioritised coverage of the pandemic, creating awareness and boosting the vaccination exercise. I encourage you to maintain this”.

The launch of this information portal is timely as it will address the numerous challenges that have come with the COVID-19 pandemic with regards to dissemination of accurate information”, said CS Mucheru.

Prof Hubert Gijzen, UNESCO Regional Director for Eastern Africa said the information portal will be beneficial to all as it will also be accessible to the public besides the media.

“UNESCO is pleased to be part of this as our contribution to joint efforts to provide access to information. We have seen a rise in misinformation and disinformation since the advent of COVID-19; this needs to be effectively addressed through provision of right information by the media”, said Prof Gijzen.

UNESCO is committed to strengthening the fundamental rights to information and leveraging the use of public information and to monitor the impact of this crisis on media freedom. This reiterates our call to access to scientific information made available and free to the public”, he said.

Prof Gijzen underscored the need for timely, accurate and reliable information on the pandemic, adding that “access to information is not enough we need information that is.

We are looking forward to making the portal accessible to those with disabilities to enhance the reach and access to information on matters COVID-19”, he said.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo affirmed the Council’s commitment to support health reporting, including on COVID-19. “I urge the media to make use of this portal to aid in accurate reporting”.

MCK Chairman Mr Maina Muiruri said the Council seeks to ensure journalists can access and consume accurate information on matters of public interest, health being one of them.

The information portal will be used as an avenue to build capacity and offer networking opportunities between journalists and key stakeholders in the health sector”, said Mr Muiruri.

The COVID-19 Information Portal, supported by UNESCO, through the European Union (EU) funded project #coronavirusfacts, will provide media professionals with a one -stop shop on factual, verifiable, and credible information on the pandemic in Kenya. The portal will be imbedded but given a distinct link on the existing Media Council of Kenya website and other online platforms.