24 May 2023


Community media houses have been encouraged to use their platforms to address societal vices.

The Media Council of Kenya Meru Regional Coordinator Karanja Jackson says that community media plays a significant role in driving societal changes, providing platforms for marginalised voices and fostering community engagement.

“Community media plays a vital role in facilitating social changes by empowering communities, promoting inclusivity, raising awareness thus yielding immense power to change perception and belief in these communities”, said Mr Karanja during the Meru Press Club members’ annual retreat.

He assured the journalists and media practitioners of the Council’s support in carrying out regular outreach and stakeholder engagements. He noted that the larger Meru region faced various cultural misconceptions, and called upon the press club members to help their audiences break down the stereotypes and promote social understanding,

“Our region continues to grapple with retrogressive cultural practices such as Gender Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation, but as members of the media you can play a huge role in covering such stories ”, noted Mr Karanja.

At the annual retreat, Mr Karanja discussed financial literacy, professionalism and the need for respect for the practice of journalism with the Meru Press Club.