18 Dec 2021


There is need for continuous strengthening of the media to enable it to play its role in sustainable development. MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo says a free media is critical in utilising information towards achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

"From time to time the media space gets threatened and this jeopardises its independence and capacity to canvass the SDGs agenda. The media is the only institution that has the capacity to converge debate around all the 17 SDGs but that can only be effective if its independence and freedom in guaranteed ", he said in a speech made on his behalf by the Council’s Manager for Press Freedom, Safety and Advocacy Dinnah Ondari at the SDGs multistakeholder engagement at the Leisure Lodge in Diani, Kwale County.

The Media Council of Kenya was part of the inter-agency organising committee of the national engagement and a panellist at a session titled: "Effective Multi-stakeholder partnerships in the context of the pandemic and post recovery; commitments needed and all levels to ensure inclusive implementation and reviews of the 2030 Agenda".

The Council has been keen on leveraging strategic partnerships with like-minded institutions to mainstream SDGs in its core programmes and those of journalism training institutions.

" Key among these are development and roll out of curricula on the SDGs on health, safety and protection of journalists, access to information, climate change and gender equality", said the CEO.

He underscored the significant potential for institutions involved in the implementation and   monitoring of SDGs to partner with the media at all levels through information sharing and capacity building in the interest of promoting the SDGs agenda.

Mr Omwoyo said the COVID- 19 pandemic has posed serious threats that could plough back major gains in the match towards attainment of SDGs in many sectors. The media industry has not been spared.

“The Council has taken the lead in ensuring media sustainability amidst these challenges through interventions such as travel grants for journalists and direct support to media houses as we chart the way forward on the possibility of setting up a media sustainability fund to ensure stability of the industry going forward”, said Mr Omwoyo.

The meeting culminated into an awards ceremony where the Media Council presented an award on the best civil society on implementation of SDGs. Journalists were among those recognised for outstanding reporting on SDGs.