25 Feb 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has underscored the critical role of the media in educating the public on taxation.

MCK Mombasa Region Coordinator Maureen Mudi told a meeting with Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) that the Council is keen on enhancing professionalism in reporting and will continue collaborating with KRA in a bid to improve and promote awareness on tax issues.

Ms Mudi noted the critical role the media in shaping opinions and challenged the players to avail information for accurate reporting.

“The media is an ally in shaping opinions and narratives on tax compliances that can propel nation building. We therefore call upon KRA to continue fostering cordial relationships with journalists as they report on tax matters and  promoting awareness on tax issues”, said Ms Mudi.

She implored the Authority to remain proactive in giving information to journalists, to help them report better.

“Having systems that allow easy access of information is one of the ways we can enhance our relationship with media. The tax authority should come up with self-sustainable mechanisms that would encourage swift handling and dissemination of information. This will guard against disinformation”, she said.

KRA’s Regional Coordinator for Southern region  Joseph Tonui noted that the cordial relationship between media and the taxman in the region has seen improved reporting standards.

“Media has been a good ambassador for us in ensuring that we reach out to Kenyans as we enhance compliance. We are looking at digitisation and having more revenue collection fronts. We cannot do this without support from the media,” said Tonui.

He urged the media to help in publicising the actualisation of free cross-border movement of goods and services.

“The role of customs is trade and facilitation. We need the media to use its position to help the Authority in encouraging the society to pay taxes by writing objective articles that promote awareness on taxation issues”, he said.

The meeting held in Taveta Holili Kenya Revenue Authority one stop border post brought together strategic partners in the region such as regional media houses editors, bureau chiefs and station managers and KRA officers.

The meeting agreed on the need for enhanced stakeholder engagements,  including inclusion of the media in structured collaborations and engagements within KRA and not only during news coverage.