27 Sep 2021


Media stakeholders have converged in Kisumu this morning to deliberate on preparedness for the 2022 polls. As Kenya prepares for the general elections, a lot is expected from the media to enable citizens make informed choices on issues and on candidates seeking electoral positions.

Government Spokesperson Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna has urged the media to remain responsible besides playing a patriotic role: "This country belongs to all of us, including the media and we should guard the peace we enjoy at all times".

Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna says objective reporting by the media during elections is key as it enables consumption of and accuracy of information among political players and the electorate; hence mitigating potential conflicts.

The Media Council of Kenya CEO Mr David Omwoyo said adequate empowerment and training of the media is key in ensuring journalists cover the electioneering process professionally.

Mr Omwoyo reiterated calls for responsibility by political actors when dealing with media during elections. "We will advocate for sanctions against politicians who attack the media. You cannot lead the people well if you do not engage constructively with the press".

Media Council of Kenya Chairman Mr Maina Muiruri called for collaborative efforts by all stakeholders to guarantee a conducive working environment for journalists through the elections cycle.

Mr Muiruri said MCK has developed a comprehensive strategy on election preparedness, including training of journalists, provision of grants, setting up of media centres and review of the Election Reporting Guidelines to enhance reportage on electoral processes, among others.

Speakers at the event called for media's adherence to the code of ethics and responsibility by political players. Kenya Editors’ Guild Chairman Mr Churchill Otieno urged the media to uphold professionalism to earn public trust.

Kenya Union of Journalists Secretary General Erick Oduor echoed sentiments on the need to stop politicians who attack the media from contesting for elective positions. He urged journalists to adhere to stipulated elections reporting guidelines and uphold professionalism.

Association of Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK) Executive Director Judie Kaberia termed journalism as 'leadership' that comes with responsibility. " The election guidelines are a demonstration of our leadership and commitment to ensure the media reports responsibly and contributes to cementing democracy anchored on a free and fair election where both men and women are recognised as equal players in the process".

The Kisumu deliberations will culminate into the adoption of the Election Reporting Guidelines and commitment by stakeholders. Besides media industry stakeholders, representatives from political parties and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) are participating at the meeting.