05 Aug 2021


The Media Council has partnered with Mechanisms to Promote the Advancement of Women (MePAW) and Mzalendo Trust to advance women's participation in democracy through media.

"We need to interrogate the preparedness of women leaders during elections. Further, we need to move away from use of conventional media and take advantage of the digital growth and package our content for impact", Media Council Director for Media Training and Development Victor Bwire told a webinar organised by the partners on August 3rd.

“The Media Council remains committed to supporting women political candidates and leaders by training them on media skills, including media appearances, interview skills and public presentation", said Victor Bwire while making a presentation on : Enhancing women participation in political processes and leadership in Kenya through media: Lessons for 2022.

He added that the Council will create a database for all women candidates in Kenya that the media can use as resources for various programmes.

"Gender representation in our newsrooms is wanting; we need to see more women journalists taking up leadership positions in media houses", said Victor Bwire.

Media Council of Kenya Member and Standard Group PLC Group Political Editor Roselyne Obala urged women to utilise emerging technology so as to be seen in the media other than relying on legacy media,. “You could for instance embrace virtual interviews whenever you cannot attend studio interviews. In addition you should package yourself well to be taken seriously", she said.

"The purpose of this conversation is to relook at the position of women in Kenya politics and empower them on media engagement", said MePAW Program Director Olive Gachara.

She called upon women Candidates to stand out to get noticed by their own rights irrespective of their political party affiliation, adding that media plays a critical role in this.