12 Nov 2021
Jerry Abuga

The Media Council of Kenya will soon roll out short online courses to enhance professionalism and to reach out to as many media practitioners as possible.

MCK Director for Corporate Services Mr Hillary Korir told a workshop on development and standardisation of e-courses in Naivasha that while some of the modules are specialisations others are core journalism courses that need to reach all journalists in Kenya.

“Even beyond Covid-19, online learning and working will be part and parcel of our lives. Consequently, and in line with our mandate of regulating the standards of journalism training and promotion of media professionalism, we have developed short e-courses to support professionalisation of our media. We will roll this out soon”, Mr Korir noted.

Masinde Muliro University curriculum expert Dr Teresa Okoth, who is the lead consultant, said the flexibility of online learning will allow journalists to gain knowledge and specialisation on certain thematic areas without the fear of missing on a story because they are in class.

“At the same they will not miss course content because of breaking a story given the flexibility and convenience of online learning. Media practitioners will learn new skill areas they previously had little exposure to, making them all-round reporters and having fun while at,” said Dr Okoth.