09 Dec 2022


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has cited culture as one of the impediments to the implementation of gender equality policies in media houses.

Speaking at the Africa Women in Media Conference in Fez, Morocco, MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo noted that there are many policies both at the legislative and media house levels that encourage gender equality but negative societal values that encourage vices such as sexual harassment and gender-based stereotypes, have prevented women from taking up leadership positions.

“Editorial impunity has encouraged sexism in news content further entrenching gender inequality”, said Mr Omwoyo.

Mr Omwoyo noted that the under-representation of women in media reflects gender inequalities in all sectors and therefore there is need to ensure that laws on gender equality are implemented across board.

“Media houses need to walk the talk by ensuring that there are more women in top leadership positions and by implementing the policies they have created”, he said during the two-day conference.

He called for the development of a comprehensive framework that will end the disconnect between policies and practice.

“The media plays a key role in influencing the public and providing a portrait of what is going on in the society. Therefore, media influences the public’s perception on gender and this is reflected in gender representation within media houses and in media content”, he said during a panel on media policies and regulations towards gender equality.

Morocco Inspector of Education and Founding President of the Democratic Association of Women of Morocco Feminist organisation, Dr Amin Lemrini said there is need to go beyond looking at the results of gender equality efforts and examining the impact.

The Co-founder of the Women Media in News Group, Dr Yemesi Akinbobola said the sixth summit is aimed at recognising the collective objectivity of achieving gender parity in media and through media.

“We need more action in the implementation of gender equality. After this conference, we need to ask ourselves what we would have done different before we meet in next year’s conference in Rwanda”, said Dr Yemesi.

The two-day conference whose theme is United in Action brought together stakeholders working in media and academia and was organised by the International Institute for Languages and Cultures (INCLAC) and Africa Women in Media in partnership with Sidi Mohamed Ben Abellah University in Fez.

Ms. Joy Kaguri, Human Resource Manager at the Standard Group outlined the measures the media house has taken towards the achievement of gender equality in the newsrooms, including mentorship programmes, proactive policies and establishment of the Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Department.