05 Jun 2024

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has urged journalists to familiarise themselves with key policy documents governing counties to enhance devolution reporting.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Evans Teddy says journalists have the duty of interrogating and understanding the policy documents to not only ensure accuracy in reporting but also promote transparency and accountability.

“Comprehending key policy issues allows journalists to critically evaluate information and effectively inform the public through analytical reporting. This understanding is essential in creating an informed citizenry while ensuring accountability in governance”, said Mr Teddy during a meeting with journalists from Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega and Vihiga Counties at a Bungoma hotel.

He emphasised the agenda-setting role of media in shaping public discourse, especially on the government’s agenda by assessing what has been achieved.

MMUST FM’s Joel Okwayo asked the journalists to engage in investigative reporting, especially on matters affecting the masses. He added that reporters have a clarion call to understand and synthesise information before sharing it with the public.

“This being an information era, our role as journalists is not just to report news, but to engage in quality investigative journalism that fosters transparency in governance. This however requires that we have a strong foundation in understanding governance structures and development agenda”, he emphasised.

TV 47 journalist Ms Violet Auma spoke on the press freedom incidences in the county and called for collaboration.

“The shrinking press freedom space in counties is at an alarming rate, calling for an urgent stakeholder intervention. County Governments should serve the public and, in that obligation, lies the responsibility to allow media access to information”, she said.

Tandao TV Report Robert Wanyonyi reiterated the need for collaboration between journalists, national and county officials, adding that this will contribute to mutual respect and understanding between the actors while enhancing access to information.