27 Jul 2021


Nakuru County Governor Lee Kinyanjui has affirmed his commitment to collaborate with the Media Council of Kenya to improve performance of journalists in the county. This, the Governor said will enable the public to access accurate information from the County Government.

A team from MCK met the Governor at his Nakuru office and briefed him on the Council’s work with national and county governments in fostering relationships for improved working environment for the media.

Governor Kinyanjui assured the media of his government’s commitment to support reporting on matters of public interest.

“The media plays a key role in passing information on critical matters to the public. I am pleased that the MCK is spearheading training of media personnel in several areas to enhance this”, said Governor Kinyanjui.

The Governor also hailed the setting up of the MCK Regional office in Nakuru, saying it will enhance media monitoring and bring services closer to the people.

The Governor said media convergence has led to growing consumption of news from social media platforms, adding that with that the downside has been a prevalence of misinformation due to unregulated social media platforms.

“There should be intentional attempts to regulate social media; so that this platform is not viewed as a tool for propaganda and blackmail”, said Governor Kinyanjui.