30 Nov 2022

In efforts to amplify national values and cohesion in the country, the Media Council of Kenya joined participants at the Peace Ultra Marathon held in Meru aimed at bringing together warriors (morans) from the Samburu, Borana, Pokot, Turkana, and Somali communities who acts as ambassadors of peace.

The 71-kilometre race under the theme, A run for Peace provided an opportunity to boost the Councils’ efforts to foster peace among the communities by bringing on board the media industry.

“We look forward to a time when all communities will work together for the prosperity of the counties. There is need to appreciate that all resources in our counties are to be enjoyed by all communities without discrimination”, said Mr Evans Kiogora, MCK Media Analyst.

Buuri East Deputy County Commissioner Ms Asha Kiiva who flagged off the race said the event sought to advocate for coexistence between communities in the region.

Peace Link Isiolo representative Ms Abdiya Mahamud noted that there have been concerted efforts to bring an end to cattle rustling, which has contributed  to the deterioration of security in the frontier counties.

“Our efforts are bearing fruits as majority of the morans are able to preach peace in their communities after these events. There is need to bring in more partners to sustain these efforts and maintain peace, which in return will attract investors in our counties”, said Ms Abdiya.

The event was also attended  by representatives from Actionaid, IMPACT Kenya and security officers from the National Police Service.